Taking the plunge

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw, Playwright ~

Wake Up

At one time or another, most of us have thought about starting over - starting fresh and pursuing dreams that have been put on the back burner.  Stress at work, in a relationship, or in day-to-day life can inspire the thought of hitting the “Reset” button.  Few, however, actually pursue their dreams, mostly out of fear of failure and/or the unknown.

Understandably, it's not easy to let go of all that is familiar and journey into uncertainty.  Following one's dreams is considered risky, reserved for a lucky few, unrealistic, and sometimes even selfish. Many of us live our lives being pulled by society's undertow.  Society’s steady, invisible current pulls at us constantly.  In many cases the desire to walk in lockstep with convention and expectation overtakes the desire to honor our own path, especially if it goes against the grain.  

Let Go of Comparisons

After all, by the time one hits 30 and beyond, it's time to settle down, have kids or at least have it all figured out, right? No, not necessarily. Each person is inimitable and as a result, flows at his or her own pace. We each have an exceptional set of challenges, advantages, and experiences unique to our life situation.  This is what makes each of us distinct.  Making comparisons and “keeping up with the Joneses” is therefore a colossal waste of time.

Acknowledge Your Dreams

The first step to making a change is acknowledging your dreams as legitimate. Once you trust yourself, it will be that much easier to identify what does not work for you. The process of implementing a change, no matter how small or big, often begins with recognizing what does not fit in your life.   Understanding what does NOT work for you is just as valuable as acknowledging what you DO want.  Start reaching out to those who have succeeded in a change similar to yours. They will be more than happy to share their story with you and their positive energy will only bolster your confidence to move forward. 

Take the Plunge

Why am I writing an entry about pursuing one's dreams?  Well, in the end I decided to take the plunge and am in the process of doing it myself.  This and future entries are meant to support and inspire others contemplating the pursuit of their own dreams. 

In my case, I knew I did not see myself staying in New Jersey long term (identified what did not work for me).  I acknowledged the need to put quality of life first, my love for skiing, and my dream of living in or near the mountains.  Identifying these ‘wants’ led me to set my sights on unexplored territory: moving to Colorado.

Some ancient cartographers used to designate unexplored territories with "Hic Sunt Dracones" - "Here be dragons". (Art by Lorena A. Weber © 2015)

Some ancient cartographers used to designate unexplored territories with "Hic Sunt Dracones" - "Here be dragons". (Art by Lorena A. Weber © 2015)